VO Waiting room

VO Waiting Room

Get VO Waiting Room as part of DentalMaster plan

Upgrade and use your waiting room to enhance your know-how, promote your services and inform and entertain your patients! 

With our Waiting Room software, you will be able to grab the attention of a captive audience and get most out of the waiting room. Upgrade and utilize your waiting room to:

  • Inform your patients
  • Promote your clinic
  • Market your services, technology, and special offers
  • Present your team and staff

This software includes:

  • 100 procedure animations explained in 30 videos
  • Multiple languages (audio,  subtitles and interface)
  • The possibility to insert your customized presentations and messages
  • An option to split screen with TV stream
dentist and a patient

Tip 1

Insert your personal CV, or that of you team and your staff, technology, insurance, payment options and promote your clinic and your services.

Tip 2

You have multiple language options to choose from, for interface, audio and subtitles.

button for choosing a langaugae in dental software

Tip 3

Insert real-time messages to patients, special offers, testimonials and more.